Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tata and Bondamumnda Loco Shed feedbacks

Defects pointed out by TATA shed in newly commissioned WAG9H locos were studied in the shop.
  • MCB-100 which being provided in better location nowadays:
Earlier inaccessible location:-

This modification has been regularly cut in now.
  • Bellow modification in TM fitment


  • ‘A” Panel cables rubbing with U clamp of the frame:

This is a known problem ,and slution has been found.

  • Filter block door not closing properly:-

This will also be solved.

Bondamunda shed has sent the snaps of axle box failures in WAG7 locos:

DyCME/Mfg has taken up the problem.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WAG9 loco manufacturing

Defects list sent by TATA shed was studies in the shop recently.

  • Problem of vertical clearance in WAG9H

Vertical clearances were measured again in TG-294 ( loco returned from Gomoh Shed). They are to be attended if found more than prescribed 35 mm. 

Camber measurement with theodolite instrument was observed on TP long beam in the shop .


Inspection staff was asked to be very strict in camber measurements and to raise deficiencies in welding as this was highlighted during recent GM’s inspection.